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Affiliated Faculty

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Elizabeth Drexler Department: Anthropology
Position: Associate Professor
Email: drexler(at)
Address: 655 Auditorium Rd Room 326, Baker Hall
Phone: 517-353-6726

Elizabeth Drexler's website

Waseem El-Rayes Department: James Madison College
Position: Associate Professor, Political Theory and Constitutional Democracy
Email: elrayes(at)
Address: 842 Chestnut Rd Room 306, S. Case Hall
Phone: 517-884-1268

Waseem El-Rayes's website

Swarnavel Eswaran Pillai Department: Department of English, Media and Information Department
Position: Associate Professor, Political Philosophy
Email: eswaran(at)
Address: 619 Red Cedar Rd Room C643, Wells Hall
Phone: 517-884-4446

Swarnavel Eswaran Pillai's website

Emine Evered Department: History
Position: Associate Professor
Email: evered(at)
Address: 506 E Circle Dr Room 213, Old Horticulture
Phone: 517-884-4917

Emine Evered's website

Kyle Evered Department: Geography
Position: Associate Professor
Email: ktevered(at)
Address: 673 Auditorium Rd Room 108, Geography Building
Phone: 517-432-4746

Kyle Evered's website

Samira Fathi Department: Art, Art History, and Design
Position: Teaching Faculty, Fixed-Term
Email: fathisa1(at)
Address: 600 Auditorium Road, 218 Kresge Art Center

Eric Freedman Department: Journalism
Position: Knight Center for Environmental Journalism Chair and Professor
Email: freedma5(at)
Address: 404 Wilson Rd Room 305, Comm Arts
Phone: 517-355-4729

Eric Freedman's website

Stephen Gasteyer Department: Sociology, Social Science
Position: Associate Professor
Email: gasteyer(at)
Address: 509 E Circle Dr Room 422a, Berkey Hall
Phone: 517-355-3505

Stephen Gasteyer's website

Norman Graham Department: James Madison College
Position: Professor; Former Director of the Center for European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies
Email: grahamn(at)
Address: 427 N Shaw Ln Room 304, International Center
Phone: 517-355-3277

Norman Graham's website

Catherine Grosso Department: College of Law
Position: Associate Professor of Law
Email: grosso(at)
Address: 648 N Shaw Ln Room 417, Law College Building
Phone: 517-432-6962

Catherine Grosso's website